8 OTTOBRE 2018

The Council Directive on mandatory automatic exchange of information related to reportable cross-border arrangements (DAC6) entered into force on 25 June 2018, requiring certain intermediaries and tax advisers to disclose information to the tax authorities. This Directive builds on other EU transparency initiatives and measures to prevent base-erosion, profit-shifting and aggressive tax avoidance.
Similarly, the OECD Model Rules on CRS avoidance are targeting promoters involved in the design, marketing or implementation of CRS avoidance arrangements or offshore structures. The proposed rules would require such intermediaries to disclose information to their national tax authority.
The fundamental question that merits a response is whether the principles of confidentiality and transparency in taxation go hand in hand? The conference shall address this and many other issues related to the challenging task of implementing the new disclosure rules into national laws, from international, governmental and practitioners’ perspectives.