Silvia Cristofori
(Scientific coordinator of the Jean Monnet module FreeBeRI – Freedom of Belief and Right to Information)
h. 14.00
Michael Hagemeister
(Ruhr University, retired)
"The Antichrist as an Imminent Political Possibility": on the Apocalyptical Reading of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Discussant: Kristina Stoeckl (LUISS Guido Carli)
h. 15.00
Alberto Melloni
(FSCIRE, European Commission’s Chief Scientific Advisor)
“Religious Studies and the European Union: Challenges and Opportunities”
Discussants: Filippo M. Giordano and Giorgio Grimaldi (Link Campus University)
Coffee Break h. 16.00 - 16.15
h. 16.15
Josefin Graef
(Aston University)
“Conspiracy Narratives, Religion, and the Far-right in Western Europe: a Niebuhrian Take”
Discussant: Tommaso Visone (Link Campus University)
For information: s.cristofori@unilink.it